Pacific / Cook Islands

A day that shocked the Cook Islands

10:26 am on 19 October 2017

A year ago today, the Cook Islands was reeling in shock and disbelief when a 47-year-old escaped male prisoner took a .22 rifle, murdered two people, then killed himself 16 hours later with the same gun.

Mary Dean's children and their aunt Tapairu Tuakeu-Skinner. Linga, Ian and Alia now live together with their older brother Jayleb in Tokoroa.

Mary Dean's children and their aunt Tapairu Tuakeu-Skinner. Linga, Ian and Alia now live together with their older brother Jayleb in Tokoroa. Photo: RNZI/Florence Syme-Buchanan

In the country's worst shooting incident, Chris Rimamotu will long be remembered for violently ending the life of his former partner and mother of his son, Mary Dean.

Moments later, in a cold and calmly executed multiple shooting, he also targeted Ms Dean's new love interest Roger Tauarea, who was to die in hospital the same day.

The tragedy horrified the nation, with people asking how a premeditated act of such cold-blooded violence could happen in the normally tranquil islands.

That question will probably never be fully answered, although it subsequently came to light that Chris Rimamotu was disturbed, obsessed with his ex-partner and had threatened to kill her on several occasions.

His state of mind and those threats were largely ignored.

Following the triple shooting, Police Minister Nandi Glassie made a public admission that was already widely known - the entire tragedy had been preventable.

Mary Dean's family already knew that, as did the family of Roger Tauarea.

Prison Services had ignored its own rules and policies enabling Rimamotu to escape, even transporting the prisoner to within 200 metres of his innocent, unsuspecting victims.

The prison truck, driven by a former senior officer, actually passed the couple on the way to their destination to barbecue fish, unknowingly enjoying their companionship and a late afternoon in Vaimaanga for the last time.

Led by their cousin Tapairu Tuakeu-Skinner, Mary Dean's family demanded nothing less than a full, and independent, inquiry into what happened.

Three months later, retired assistant Australian Federal Police Commissioner Denis McDermott and former Cook Islands Police Commissioner Tevai Matapo were appointed to conduct the investigation.

Their report, containing 47 recommendations for Police and Prison Services to implement, was released to the family in late March.

Ms Tuakeu-Skinner said all three families had been waiting to hear what recommendations the two agencies had so far put in place.

Over the months, media questions on what progress had been made have gone unanswered.

"The recommendations have been made to try and prevent any such tragedy like this ever happening again.

"It's not just the shattered families that deserve to know what's been done, but the general public also need reassurance that steps have been taken," said Ms Tuakeu-Skinner.

"It would show that the government is being proactive."

Chris Rimamotu Photo: Cook Islands Police Service / Facebook

Police say "nearly all" recommendations met

Police claim "nearly all" of the recommendations made by the McDermott/Matapo report have been met, but did not give any further details in a brief emailed response late yesterday afternoon.

Media liaison officer Trevor Pitt said a "longer answer" from Police would involve "itemized comments, which the Commissioner will have to provide me as he can."

No undertaking was given that this would be provided in the public interest and that of the families affected by the shooting.

The Police Department has planned a special event to mark the anniversary of the tragedy in the form of a "remembrance programme", said Mr Pitt.

"To remember those who lost their lives and the officers who served with bravery during the ordeal."

Mr Pitt said the police force would be attending a morning church service at the Catholic cathedral in town today.

There will then be a parade and flag raising, followed by a special breakfast session for all Police to commemorate the anniversary.

Mr Pitt did not mention whether the three still grieving families had been invited to the remembrance ceremony or special breakfast.

Ms Tuakeu-Skinner said the lack of communication from the Police Minister to any of the three families had been difficult to understand and accept.

"We've lost loved family members, a 10-year-old boy was orphaned, the lives of Mary's three older children have been devastated, we were all shattered but we haven't received one single letter offering any kind of compassion."

She said it had been very difficult to take given the minister's admission that the deaths of Mary Dean and the two men were entirely preventable.