Te Ao Māori

Te Reo funding should be 'reprioritised'

06:37 am on 28 April 2014

Kelvin Davis, the Labour Party member due to replace Shane Jones in Parliament, says too much money's being spent on Te Reo projects that aren't working.

Kelvin Davis. Photo: LABOUR PARTY

He says Te Reo Maori could die if changes aren't made.

Rekindling the Maori language is one of the priorities Mr Davis has set for himself when he goes back to Parliament.

He says Te Reo is in a sad state and for most people it's been reduced to a ceremonial language with little relevance.

Mr Davis says the initiatives funded now need to be reprioritised.

He says his goal is for all Maori to be able to speak Te Reo as well as a large number of non-Maori. Mr Davis says there are quick ways to increase Te Reo use like Trivial Pursuit nights on marae, and signs and labels written in Maori.

He says Te Reo use should also be encouraged in places like banks, post offices and supermarkets.