New Zealand / Christchurch Terror Attacks

Teen refused bail for sharing objectionable material

15:15 pm on 4 April 2019

A teenager charged with distributing objectionable material after the Christchurch mosque attacks has been denied bail.

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The 16-year-old - who cannot be named - appeared before Judge Stephen O'Driscoll in the Christchurch Youth Court this morning.

He faces one charge of distributing objectionable material, laid under the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993.

This morning his lawyer Moana Cole made an application for the 16-year-old to be released on electronically monitored bail, which was refused.

Media are unable to report Youth Court proceedings without expressed leave to do so from the judge.

After the hour-long bail application hearing, Judge O'Driscoll permitted media to report the fact that bail hearing had occurred and its result.

The teenager was remanded in custody and is to appear again on 7 May.