
Tonga pro democracy movement pushes for political reform talks

15:12 pm on 18 June 2007

Tonga's Pro-Democracy Movement says the latest extension to the state of emergency regulations won't stop them pushing for the government to discuss the political reform agenda after their Budget talks this week.

The director of Tonga's Human Rights Pro-democracy movement, Akanete Lauti, says the latest extension is frustrating and further prohibits their members from holding meetings.

The regulations, which were imposed following last year's riots in the capital Nuku'alofa, have been extended a seventh time because the Minister of Police believes public order continues to be seriously threatened.

Ms Lauti says despite the continuation of the state of emergency, the political reform agenda is a priority which they will continue to push for.

"We hope that the Legislative Assembly or the House would deliberate on the political reform after the deliberation on the budget, this is our hope - we are not sure whether the House would consider that."

Ms Lauti.