Interweaving her knowledge of political economy and environmental issues with local Government and Maori communities has won Associate Professor Maria Bargh this year’s Te Puāwaitanga Award from the Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Associate Professor Maria Bargh has won the 2020 Te Puāwaitanga Award. Photo: Victoria University of Wellington
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The biannual Te Puāwaitanga Award is made in recognition of research that has made an eminent and distinctive contribution to Te Ao Māori and indigenous knowledge.
The 2020 award has gone to Maria, who is in the Māori Studies Department at Victoria University of Wellington.
The Royal Society Te Apārangi says that Associate Professor Bargh has two interweaving strands of work—political economy and environment—that contribute to self-determination for Māori, build Māori and Indigenous knowledges and practices, and are radically reshaping how Aotearoa New Zealand responds to environmental issues.
She is interested in climate change, biodiversity and renewable energy, both as it affects her own hapu as well as its wider impact on Māori communities.