
Water a problem for all Honiara women says Solomons NGO

14:07 pm on 5 October 2011

The head of a Solomon Islands women's media organisation says getting water is a problem for all women in the capital, not just those in the squatter settlements.

The comment follows the release of an Amnesty International report linking a high incidence of sexual attacks on women in Honiara's slums with the distances they are forced to walk to fetch water.

Josephine Teakeni of Vois Blo Mere Solomon says much of the water used in squatter settlements isn't safe to use but access to clean water is an issue for everyone.

"Even Honiara as the capital city of Solomon Islands, a lot of areas in Honiara do not have access to water sources. They don't have water - piped water - reaching their houses for days or even months."

Josephine Teakeni says although the government's new national plan highlights water and sanitation she doesn't think enough is being done.