New Zealand / Regional

Whangarei's new bridge trialled

21:57 pm on 31 May 2013

Whangarei's new harbour bridge was trialled on Friday afternoon, letting yachts pass through the raised mid-section for the first time.

The $29 million bridge between Pohe Island and Port Road is a major link in a council plan to ease traffic congestion in the city.

The mid-section, or bascule, resembles the prow of a waka or bone fish hook and can be raised 26 metres above the high tide water level.

Cars have to wait for just over a minute for the bascule to rise, a ship to pass and the bascule to come down again before they can continue on their way.

The bridge won't be officially opened for some weeks but Friday's test went smoothly, letting yachts from the international cruising fleet that summer in Whangarei head north into the Pacific.

The bascule can be raised 26 metres. Photo: RNZ