Te Ao Māori

DHBs sign document to end smoking

06:28 am on 2 March 2012

Five Midland district health boards will on Friday sign a new document committing to work together towards making the central North Island smokefree.

In 2009, only four of the five district health boards (DHBs) signed a similar statement, which aimed to end smoking by 2025.

On Friday, Tairawhiti, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Lakes DHBs will recommit to a new agreement, with the addition of the Taranaki DHB.

They, along with the Midland Iwi Relationship Board, will initial the document in Rotorua at about 10am.

Lakes and Tairawhiti DHBs both have high Maori populations.

The chair of Lakes board Deryck Shaw says the statement provides a vision for the collective of boards.

He says it shows a shared commitment, which allows staff to work together, and provides a commitment from the DHBs to the communities.