New Zealand / World

No arrests over Kiwi detainee's death, police say

20:07 pm on 6 April 2016

Australian police are denying claims by immigration detainees that four men have been arrested over the death of New Zealander Robert Peihopa.

Robert Peihopa Photo: Facebook

A New South Wales police spokeswoman said no arrests had been made, and investigations were continuing at Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney.

Two detainees had told RNZ News that four men were taken by police to a secure part of the centre today and were being questioned.

"The compound where the body was found was searched by, I believe, Australian federal police," one of the detainees, Vaelua Lagaaia, said.

"I can't say their names, but they were one Fijian, two Tongans and one Samoan."

Officials have said it is thought Mr Peihopa, 42, died of a heart attack.

They said yesterday there were no disturbances at the centre the night he died and they were not aware of any suspicious circumstances, denying detainees' claims of a fight.

The New South Wales coroner has begun an investigation into Mr Peihopa's death.

Villawood Detention Centre Photo: AFP