New Zealand / Defence Force

Waiouru's army museum visitor numbers on rise

19:00 pm on 11 June 2017

The National Army Museum in Waiouru says visitor numbers and enquiries are up, as the country commemorates the centenary of World War I.

The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior commemorates New Zealand soldiers who died in World War I.

The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Photo: AFP

Almost 100,000 New Zealanders served and around 18,000 died in the war, which began in 1914.

Museum spokesperson Nicola Bennett said visitor numbers were up by about 5 percent since commemorations began.

Mrs Bennett said families were also using the museum's library to find out more about relatives who fought in the war.

"We've had some great visitor numbers," she said.

"Particularly people doing genealogy research and trying to find out relatives that have served - perhaps granddad's died and they didn't know anything and they want to find something out."