Pacific / Samoa

Pacific men's sexual health under the lens

16:44 pm on 29 June 2015

Ministers, MPs and health specialists from around the Pacific have gathered in New Zealand to share ideas to get men talking about sexual health.

Representatives from Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati and Tuvalu are in Wellington for an open hearing on engaging men in family planning processes.

Daniela Maoate-Cox was at the hearing.

"Headlining the agenda is a focus on distributing accurate information to men and boys about sexual reproductive health. The United Nations Population Fund's Laurent Zessler says most males have their first sexual experience before the age of 15. He says it is critical they receive information about sexual health early on but cultural and religious beliefs often block the conversation. Dr Laurent says it is up to politicians to lobby religious leaders, teachers and parents to ensure knowledge about safe sex practices and family planning get across."