
Silver Ferns to chase Olympic gold in 2032?

17:59 pm on 9 August 2021

Netball Australia is leading a bid to have the sport played at the 2032 Olympic Games in Brisbane.

The Silver Ferns celebrates winning the Constellation Cup. 4th Constellation Cup netball match, New Zealand Silver Ferns Vs Australian Diamonds, Horncastle Arena, Christchurch, New Zealand, 7th March 2021. Copyright photo: John Davidson /

The Silver Ferns celebrate winning the Constellation Cup earlier this year. Photo: PhotoSport / John Davidson

Netball has been a Commonwealth Games sport since 1998 and work is now underway to have it become part of the Olympic programme in 11 years time.

Netball Australia CEO Kelly Ryan says netball deserves to be played on the biggest stage and they will now work closely with World Netball, the Australian Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee to make it become a reality.

"We think we start from a really compelling base with 20 million people playing across more than 80 countries," Ryan said.

"They have a set of criteria that we are yet to work through with them on what they'll be looking for to be in the Games...however we will absolutely be pushing our cause."

Ryan says it is going to be a lengthy process to lobby officials for netball's inclusion.

"Early indications are they're still probably at least five years away from making a decision, but what they'll see is just how relentless everybody is in the netball world.

"When we set our sights on something we're not going to let it go until we've exhausted absolutely every opportunity of making sure netball is represented."

Kelly Ryan says Netball New Zealand will "play a massive role" in lobbying officials too.

"We know they share the same desires as we do. We've already spoken about that.

Monica Falkner, Cadbury Netball Series, Silver Ferns v New Zealand Men, Fly Palmy Arena, Palmerston North. Thursday 22 October 2020.

The New Zealand men's netball team could play at the Olympics too if Netball Australia's bid is successful. Photo: Photosport Ltd 2020

"They'll become another really important stakeholder for us as we build this whole big plan that puts our best case forward that's going to rely on a number of countries coming together, not just us.

"Whilst we will be the hosting country we're certainly keen to make sure there's lobbying coming in from every aspect of the sport."

Ryan has made it clear they will be pushing for both women and men to play netball at the Games.

"We would naturally assume that's probably going to be a big part of the conversation.

"It's the way the Olympics has been progressing to get that gender equity in all sports.

"Our expectation is that by the time 2032 comes around that gender equity piece will be a really strong part of the conversation so that's naturally why we're happy to continue our conversations about being progressive in that vain so we're accommodating and welcoming to all."

The New Zealand men's netball team have risen to prominence in recent years and have played the Silver Ferns. Ryan says the men's game is growing in Australia too.

"We're already fortunate that we actually have a really strong contingent of men and boys already playing the game so I think this is an amazing opportunity to wrap our arms around that participation base and make sure they feel included in netball more holistically.

"In 10 years time I think that we're very well progressed in terms of what that looks like for making men and boys feel more included in our sport."