New Zealand

Union wants end to zero-hour contracts

17:06 pm on 8 March 2015

A union representing fast food workers is demanding the end of so-called zero hour contracts as part of its pay talks with three of the country's main fast food operators.

Unite represents 4000 workers in the fast food industry, including workers at McDonald's.

Unite represents 4000 workers in the fast food industry, including workers at McDonald's. Photo: 123RF

Unite, which represents 4000 workers in the industry, last week began negotiations with Burger King, McDonald's and Restaurant Brands, which owns the KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks and Carl's Junior chains.

Zero hour contracts, where workers have to be available for work but have no hours guaranteed, are common in the industry.

Unite national director Mike Treen said these contracts were unfair, and he wanted secure hours for workers.

"These are fast food companies that have been around twenty, thirty, forty years now, they're growing, they're quite profitable, and they're opening new stores all the time so they should be able to move towards a more guaranteed hours regime."

Mr Treen also wanted the fast food operators to lift the starting wage to $15 a hour.