The Wireless

Push ahead with plain packaging - Greens

08:42 am on 12 February 2014

Green Party co-leader Russel Norman says New Zealand should push ahead with legislation to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes rather than await the outcome of an Australian court case.

Parliament has voted almost unanimously to allow the bill's first reading, but it is likely that passing it into law will be delayed until a legal challenge to similar legislation in Australia has been resolved

Dr Norman told Radio New Zealand's Morning Report another issue is that the legislation might not survive the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations now underway, which covers tobacco company investment.

Trade Minister Tim Groser earlier said the Government is expecting legal action from tobacco companies against plain packaging laws.

Groser said the New Zealand legislation needs to be robust enough to stand up in a court of law.

Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia, who is in charge of the bill, said it is not for tobacco companies to be dictating what is done in New Zealand.