
Driti due back in Fiji court on mutiny charge

06:48 am on 1 June 2011

A former Fiji land force commander, Brigadier General Pita Driti, is today scheduled to be back in court on charges of sedition and inciting a mutiny.

He first appeared four weeks ago when he pleaded not guilty and was told to surrender his passport and be back today.

Details of the alleged plot have not been made public but another former officer charged with sedition at the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Tevita Uluilakeba Mara, has said the charge stems from comments made during a visit to South Korea last year.

Col Mara has since fled to Tonga, with Fiji seeking his extradition.

Last October, the two officers were replaced, with the government information office saying they were taking accumulated leave.

In March, the military denied there were any splits within the military, saying such speculation was an old song.