Christchurch Earthquake

Free tickets offered to Canterbury rugby match

14:16 pm on 18 September 2010

Rugby fans are being offered free tickets to next weekend's clash between Canterbury and Wellington at AMI stadium in Christchurch.

Canterbury Rugby chief executive Hamish Riach says the region has gone through a lot in the past few weeks and it is hoped the game will be a distraction.

The free tickets will be made available from midday on Monday and can be collected from TicketDirect, Champions of the World in Colombo St or any participating Warehouse store.

Those who have already bought tickets to the match can get a refund.

Sports grounds to gradually reopen

Saturday sport disrupted by the earthquake is expected to be back to normal in Christchurch in about a month, despite significant damage to some grounds.

The Christchurch City Council says all the approximately 400 sports grounds were closed last week due to damage or uncertainty about safety.

Some will reopen next week, but others will take longer to repair.

Hockey was the hardest hit code, with Porritt Park in Avonside now very bumpy, and games have been moved to other grounds.

The council says its recreational centres reopened their doors last week.