New Zealand

Woman's puppy stolen in attack

16:26 pm on 16 January 2018

An Auckland woman has been attacked by two men in her driveway before they took off with her rottweiler puppy.

Grace Read was attacked by two men and her puppy, Rosko, stolen.

Grace Read was attacked by two men and her puppy, Rosko, stolen. Photo: Grace Read

Grace Read posted on Facebook after the assault shortly before midday yesterday, pleading for anyone with information.

She said the men came down her driveway as she was letting her puppy Rosko out.

Ms Read said one threw her to the ground before ripping the dog from her arms.

Her post has been shared almost 1000 times including across lost and found dog community pages throughout the country.

The police are investigating and said they do not believe the puppy was stolen for dog fighting.

A rottweiler rescue group said it was very rare for the breed to be stolen.

Tracey Hayes, founder and director of Rottweiler Rescue & Rehoming, said it was only the second incident she had heard about.

Paw Justice co-founder Craig Dunn said the owners were devastated.

"It's pretty ballsy, to attack someone and take their dog. I haven't come across it before and I hope we don't see it again."

Dog thefts were not uncommon, but being assaulted in the process was, he said.

"That's something quite new, we haven't seen much of that so it's a bit of a worry."

Rottweilers could be expensive dogs and he suspected the theft was opportunistic, he said.

"It looks pretty cute and fluffy, it's a gorgeous-looking little puppy and I think the opportunity's come up and they've just thought, 'We'll grab it.' I wouldn't think they're trying to use it for dog bait or anything like that."

Paw Justice is offering a reward for the dog's return.

"People do come for that reward money and they will actually nark on their friends if they know something about it, which is a good thing," Mr Dunn said.