New Zealand

ERO finds big improvement in special needs work

22:24 pm on 10 July 2013

An Education Review Office report shows some schools must improve if the Government is to meet its target for better treatment of children with special needs.

The report says 77% of the primary schools it visited late last year are mostly inclusive of children with high needs, but 7% are doing a bad job.

It shows schools are close to the Government's 2014 target of 80% doing a good job for children with special needs and none doing a bad job.

The report says staff at the poorly performing schools lack commitment to educating children with high needs and are unwilling to change to meet their needs.

The schools are likely to exclude special needs children from sport and cultural activities and have a poor school-wide attitude toward them.

The report says things have improved since 2010 when 50% of schools were doing a good job and 20% were doing badly.