Country / Whanganui

Cyclone Gabrielle blamed for Kaimanawa horse muster cancellation

12:42 pm on 13 April 2023
The annual muster is scheduled for May.

This year's Kaimanawa horse muster has been cancelled. Photo: Kelly Wilson

This year's Kaimanawa horse muster has been cancelled due to the effects of Cyclone Gabrielle.

Each April a muster takes place in the Kaimanawa Range to control the population of wild horses.

Department of Conservation (DOC) operations manager for the central plateau Dave Lumley said a recent population count revealed there were about 447 horses in the range.

"We were hoping to take out 170; 60 would have received a contraception vaccination before being released and the rest would be up for rehoming.

"Planning was well underway when we were hit by Cyclone Gabrielle - a combination of road closures, feed shortages and transport logistics means the idea of rehoming horses from the muster would be really difficult."

Lumley said that means there will need to be a bigger muster next year.

"There will be a lot more horses that will need homes so what we'll do is encourage people to get in touch with Kaimanawa Heritage Horses if they want a horse and to book early."

The cancellation would allow some work to be undertaken to make future musters easier, he said.

"At the moment the horses are mustered about 25 kilometres, which is too far."

A new set of yards would be built in the southern area of the horse range, Lumley said, so the horses would not need to be moved as far in future musters.