New Zealand

Royal assault intention denied

14:02 pm on 13 November 2012

A man arrested before the arrival of Prince Charles in central Auckland on Monday has denied preparing to commit an assault.

Castislav Bacanov, 76, of Mangere, was released on bail and ordered to stay at least 500 metres from the Prince of Wales and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall.

He has pleaded not guilty to preparing to commit a crime in a public place, namely assault.

Police describe him as an anti-royalist and say he was arrested near Britomart before the royal couple arrived.

After a night in custody, he told the judge he was not interested in seeing Charles and Camilla.

AAP reports that Mr Bracanov later said he was planning to throw a bucket of horse manure over Prince Charles and Camilla before he was arrested on Monday.

After his appearance in court, he said:

"I went to get a bag of horse manure for $2 and I make it liquid, like a porridge, and then arrummm," he said, making a throwing motion with his arms. "I would have done it."

He said he chose this form of protest because he opposed the idea of the Prince of Wales being born into privilege.

AAP reports Mr Bracanov also said he will stick to the condition of staying at least 500 metres away from the royal couple, during this visit.

"I'm not doing it again. There's always next time. Next time I might be successful."

He will re-appear in Auckland District Court on 27 November.