
Thousands expected to march again corruption in Papua New Guinea

10:27 am on 5 June 2010

Transparency International expects more than 5000 people in Papua New Guinea will take part in three marches against corruption this weekend.

The watchdog is hosting the five kilometre Walk Against Corruption in Port Moresby, Kimbe and Kokopo, which involves teams of ten people from corporate entities, government organisations and school students.

The Chair of TI, Peter Aitsi says participants are being encouraged to carry placards and signs highlighting the consequences of corruption.

"The walk is about really mobilising the community and providing them a vehicle in which ordinary Papua New Guineans can take part and interact with the work of Transparency International. And as a consequence, publicly and physically show their support for the work of TI but show their opposition for corruption."

Peter Aitsi says the annual walk has been growing since it began in 2007, with 900 in Port Moresby, with 5000 expected altogether this year.