Pacific / French Polynesia

Tahiti tightens controls to protect against coronavirus

16:49 pm on 28 February 2020

All ships arriving in French Polynesia must now first dock in Papeete as a new measure to try to stave off the coronavirus, the government says.

Aerial view of Papeete, French Polynesia

Aerial view of Papeete, French Polynesia Photo: Supplied

That affects cruise ships touring the South Pacific which now also must advise the French Polynesian authorities 48 hours before arriving that nobody onboard has the virus.

Cruise ship operators are also obliged to skip stops in zones declared to be at risk.

Last week, French Polynesia suspended, for one month, the work permits of locally-employed Chinese workers who are currently in China.

Travellers who since the start of the year have been to any of Asia's main countries, including India, the Philippines and Japan, must provide a medical certificate less than five days-old that they aren't carrying the virus.