
TV personality Andre Rerekura captures snake on the plane

12:14 pm on 22 November 2024

By Gareth McKnight, Rosanne Maloney, Mya Kordic and Tabarak Al Jrood

Andre Rerekura re-entering the plane after taking a non-venomous Stimson's python off the aircraft.

Andre Rerekura re-entering the plane after taking a non-venomous Stimson's python off the aircraft. Photo: ABC / Screenshot

  • A snake was found on a plane before it took off from the West Australian town of Broome on Thursday morning.
  • In bizarre scenes, Disney TV personality Andre Rerekura was the passenger who took the non-venomous snake off the aircraft before it embarked for Perth.
  • The airline said the flight took off as planned following a 20 minute delay.

In scenes reminiscent of a Hollywood blockbuster, a television personality has helped wrangle a stowaway snake on a plane in Western Australia's north.

Virgin flight VA1482, scheduled to take off from Broome at 10.30am and destined for Perth, was delayed by 20 minutes as the reptile was removed.

And in a bizarre twist, TV personality Andre Rerekura has been shown on a social media video as the man who took the snake off the plane before the aircraft departed.

Rerekura, who stars on Disney's Shipwreck Hunters Australia, described the snake as a "cute" Stimson's python.

Non-venomous and harmless, Stimson's pythons are a common sight in the north of Australia - especially during the hotter summer months.

Rerekura said the plane was getting ready to take off when someone yelled out there was a snake on board.

"They pretty much shut the whole plane down and everyone was going to get disembarked and sent off the plane which we weren't that keen for because everyone wanted to go home," he said.

Andre Rerekura successfully removed the snake from the Virgin flight.

Andre Rerekura successfully removed the snake from the Virgin flight. Photo: ABC News: Tabarak Al Jrood

"It was a little bit of a weird story to think it was true, to hear that there was a snake on the plane, so I don't think a lot of people believed it."

Rerekura said a lady behind him screamed as it slithered by before ending up next to his foot.

"I think everyone was relieved that they didn't have to get off the plane and then a lot of people were happy that the snake was safe," he said.

"The staff were awesome, they gave me a complimentary drink, I had a soda water."

'Never a dull moment'

In a separate video posted to Instagram, an air hostess can be heard in exasperated tones over the intercom.

The snake was on a Virgin flight that took off from Broome and landed in Perth. Photo: ABC News: Andrew O'Connor

Without hesitation, he grabbed the "crazy cute" Stimson's python and took it off the aircraft.

"As soon as I saw it, I identified it pretty easily ... so I knew it was safe [and] I knew it was just scared and super shy," he said.

"So I just wanted to get it off real quick ... it was super cute but some of the air hostesses were running the other way."

His brave act was met with cheering from other passengers and cabin crew on board.

"There is never a dull moment in aviation - but that certainly takes the cake," a cabin crew member said.

"We do have a gentleman onboard who has safely taken it off the aircraft.

"We are going to continue as normal - I don't really know what else to say."

A Virgin spokesperson said the airline was "aware of an incident on board VA1482" and the flight had continued as planned once the snake was removed.

The flight continued as planned once the snake was removed. Photo: ABC Kimberley: Andy Seabourne

Broome International Airport chief executive Craig Shaw said he was "uncertain how the reptile came to be on board".

"Our staff assisted in the removal of the reptile and there was minimal disruption to the service," he said.

"Any further questions should be directed to the airline."