Students with disabilities or mobility issues will have to wait more than a year for permanent lift services to resume at Victoria University's library.
Restoration of the permanent lifts at Victory University's library will take until the end of 2019. Photo: Screenshot / GoogleMaps
The Rankine Brown building's lift shafts were damaged in the Kaikōura earthquake.
Last year, the university worked on a plan with structural engineers to repair the damage.
But it said the plan was complex because the library needed to stay open at the same time as work was completed.
Chief operating officer Mark Loveard said it would take time.
"Two temporary lifts are scheduled to be working by the end of August between levels three and seven and full restoration of the permanent lifts will take until the end of 2019," he said.
Mr Loveard said students and staff with disabilities could still access resources through a retrieval service.