Te Ao Māori

Three Treaty bills pass readings

10:13 am on 14 March 2014

Three Treaty of Waitangi settlement bills have passed their respective readings in Parliament on Thursday under extended hours.

The Raukawa Claims Settlement Bill passed its final reading, while two other bills, Nga Manawa Whenua o Tamaki Makaurau Collective Redress and Nga Punawai o Te Tokotoru Claims Settlement passed their second readings.

The Ngati Raukawa settlement includes commercial redress of $50 million and the return of cultural sites along the Waikato river.

The Tamaki Collective package will include the return of volcanic cones and islands in the Auckland region, while the Nga Punawai bill will settle the historical grievances of Te Arawa iwi, Ngati Rangiwewehi, Ngati Rangiteaorere and Tapuika.