
PNG MPs want Vagrancy Bill to be introduced

11:39 am on 14 November 2003

There are calls from police and some MPs in Papua New Guinea for the vagrancy bill to be introduced following a spate of crimes in the capital's squatter settlements.

The police commissioner, Sam Inguba, said he wanted all settlements in Port Moresby shut down, forcing squatters to return to their villages.

At the moment there is no legislation enabling police to forcibly remove the settlers, some of whom have lived there for generations.

The Acting Police Commissioner, Tom Kulunga, echoed earlier comments from Mr Inguba that the settlements are a breeding ground for the unemployed, who rely on crime to survive

"A lot of them don't have employment and there is no proper, decent way of earning a living so some of them resort to illegal activities. So the government has to mahe a decision, to act responsibly and deal with them in a way that is acceptable to all parties."