New Zealand

Maori male learning a 'national issue'

10:30 am on 10 November 2009

The head of the tertiary education provider Te Wananga o Aotearoa says getting young Maori into second chance education is a national issue.

Research from Victoria University's Institute of policy studies indicates tertiary institutions and wananga in particular are doing a poor job enrolling Maori males.

Bentham Ohia of Te Wananga o Aotearoa told Waatea News the problem needs to be tackled earlier, rather than having Maori men move into the workforce without being able to read and write.

"There are challenges earlier in the secondary school system around Maori male achievement levels also so there's some commensurate challenges for the whole country and we must focus on our collective resources and strengths," he says.

Te Wananga o Aotearoa has developed trade training courses aimed at bringing back many young Maori males into education.