New Zealand / Northland

Appeal threatened over 1080 drop in Russell Forest

19:51 pm on 24 September 2018

Two men who lost their court bid against a Northland 1080 drop say they will take it to appeal.

Looking towards Russell State Forest from Puhipuhi Hills

Plans to drop 1080 over Russell Forest are strongly opposed by some people in the area. Photo: RNZ/ Lois Williams

Riki Ngakoti and Hayward Brown asked the Māori Land Court for an injunction to prevent the Department of Conservation's 1080 operation over Russell State Forest.

But the court dismissed their application.

The pair argued the land was Māori reservation and challenged DOC to show it had consent.

Judge Miharo Armstrong said titles showed the area was Crown land and the Māori Land Court had no jurisdiction over it.

He said the court could only issue injunctions over Māori freehold land, reservations and some wāhi tapu land.

Mr Ngakoti said he intended to take the case to the Māori Appellate Court.

DOC planned to carry out the Russell Forest 1080 drop some time in the next week, if the weather was fine.