Comment & Analysis / Politics

Cartoon: Wild times in Washington

10:16 am on 12 May 2017

Opinion - US President Donald Trump has set off a fire storm in Washington with his shock dismissal of FBI director James Comey.

Mr Trump pulled the trigger on Mr Comey without warning. The agency director found out from TV reports that he had been fired.

Mr Trump said he axed Mr Comey because of the way he treated his rival Hillary Clinton during the election campaign, after getting getting advice from the Attorney General and his deputy.

Since then he has called Mr Comey a "showboat" and a "grandstander" and said, in fact, it was his decision to remove Comey all along - something that he wanted to do since he took office.

Mr Comey had been investigating links between the Trump campaign and Russia, and Toby Morris wonders whether he is firing wildly in bid to make the speculation go away.