
Status of Vanuatu women set to improve

19:28 pm on 22 November 2006

Vanuatu's National Council of Women says it wants to see how the government implements an international rights treaty it has finally decided to ratify.

The status of ni-Vanuatu women is set to improve after the Council of Ministers agreed to pass the Convention of the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women through parliament.

The UN convention known as CEDAW has been rejected by the Council almost annually for the past eight years.

The CEO of the National Council of Women, Janey Ligo, says they are very interested in how the government will implement the principles of this widely recognised treaty.

"For example in CEDAW it says that there must be a gender balance in decision-making and we must have women in parliament. And this is something that the women of Vanuatu, for the last twenty five years in Vanuatu, since Independence, we have been trying to get."

Janey Ligo of the National Council of Women.