Christchurch Earthquake

Eastern suburb residents look for more help - survey

06:39 am on 24 June 2013

Research suggests nearly a quarter of people living on the borders of Canterbury's red zones believe they need more help.

An independent study was commissioned by social justice group Edmund Rice Justice and the Christchurch urban Maori authority Nga Maata Waka.

About 300 people took part in the survey, which focused on people living in lower socio-economic communities in the eastern suburbs.

Edmund Rice Justice trustee Paul O'Neil says not enough is being done to support people living near the red zones.

The findings show key issues for residents include property damage and worries about wellbeing and crime in their area.

Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee says progress is being made and there are a range of 0800 numbers residents can ring to arrange the help they need.