New Zealand

New rare colossal squid at Te Papa

09:38 am on 12 August 2014

A group of scientists will gather at Te Papa next month to defrost a rare colossal squid.

Caught on a fishing vessel's long line in Antarctic waters, the creature is now in a deepfreeze at the national museum.

A file picture showing Te Papa technician Mark Fenwick defrosting a 495 kilogram colossal squid in 2008.

A file picture showing Te Papa technician Mark Fenwick defrosting a 495 kilogram colossal squid in 2008. Photo: AFP FILE

It is thought to be slightly smaller than the colossal squid already on display at Te Papa, but its gender isn't yet known.

Senior curator of sciences at Te Papa, Susan Waugh, said it's an incredibly rare find, because in 20 years' of deep-sea fishing in Antarctica only three whole specimens have been caught.

She said it's possible this one will also go on public display.