
Black Cap Doug Bracewell to be sentenced for drink driving

16:16 pm on 27 April 2017

Repeat drink driving offender Black Cap Doug Bracewell says he deeply regrets getting behind the wheel drunk last month.

Doug Bracewell

Doug Bracewell. Photo: PHOTOSPORT

Bracewell was stopped while driving in Hastings on March 18th and was three times over the limit, returning a breath alcohol reading of 783 micrograms per litre of breath, well over he 250 limit.

The 26-year-old was convicted in the district court in Hastings today.

Bracewell said he made a massive mistake by driving that night and has apologised unreservedly for his actions.

"This was no-one's fault but my own; I take full responsibility, and I'm deeply embarrassed to have let down so many people - be they family, friends, or cricket lovers."

He will be sentenced next month under the provisions for offenders who have two or more previous drink-drive convictions.

New Zealand Cricket chief executive David White said he can't discuss if the organisation will seek to impose its own penalty, while the case is still before the courts.

"Driving responsibly and considerately is a key part of creating safer communities, and, as Doug has said himself, he should have known better.

"As an organisation, we're committed to promoting safe and responsible behaviours on our roads and take a very dim view of drink-driving," Mr White said.

Doug Bracewell is not playing this season after suffering a knee injury at the end of last year.