
Unchecked logging in parts of Solomons harms livelihoods

14:32 pm on 26 May 2006

A report from Makira province in Solomon Islands says unchecked logging is spoiling water supplies, streams, food gardens.

The report compiled by an NGO delegate says local people believe that the Malaysian logging company, Yamkin Bayan, that has been logging their forests, has failed to comply with most of the license condition.

They say it is also felling a tree known locally as ngali nut which is a delicacy.

Communities in Ward 6 and 7 have protested against Yamkin Bayan but they do not have access to legal advice from the Honiara-based public solicitors office to clarify whether forest regulations have been violated.

The report says people have raised complaints and compensation claims against logging companies operating in other parts of Makira.

It says, however, that they are happy with the Middle Island logging company because it helps them with their community projects.