
COP 21 lacks substance - solar company

21:08 pm on 16 December 2015
Francois Holland opens the Green Zone.

Francois Holland opens the Green Zone. Photo: Supplied

A New Zealand based solar power company says COP 21 lacks substance and will not be enough to keep global temperature rises below two degrees by the end of the century.

The chief executive of Solarcity, Andrew Booth, says if the agreement is not built into government legislation, there is nothing that legally binds nations to meet emission targets.

He says adequate financing will not be made available for those who want to invest in renewable energy, and as long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest option, they will continue to be burned.

Mr Booth would like to see punitive measures put in place to ensure nations rapidly reduce carbon.

"I think the clearest way to reduce emissions globally is to start to put punitive pricing on any form of carbon. So to introduce a carbon tax. Which effectively means it is not cheaper any more to continue burning what is a relatively cheap fuel and that we drive that shift towards renewables as quickly as we can, so we can put in place the right measures to deliver on the promises that have been made."