Te Ao Māori

Call for safety beacon on Rena wreck

08:10 am on 11 August 2014

A Motiti Island hapu is calling for a beacon to be put on the spot where the container ship Rena ran aground to prevent another disaster occurring.

The grounding on Astrolabe Reef created one of New Zealand's worst maritime and environmental disasters.

The grounding on Astrolabe Reef created one of New Zealand's worst maritime and environmental disasters. Photo: RENA PROJECT

The Government has said in a submission that only the part of the wreck in water to a depth of 30 metres needs to be removed.

A Transport Accident Investigation Commission report found the grounding in 2011 occurred because the Rena did not follow its passage plan and took a series of short cuts before hitting the Astrolabe Reef while trying to make up a 13-hour delay.

Motiti Rohe Moana Trust spokesperson Graham Hoete said the Rena spewed oil and containers into the sea as well as polluting beaches and a beacon could stop further groundings.

He said as well as damaging the environment it had a huge impact on islanders and had been a very divisive issue.

Mr Hoete said some sort of floating safety device needed to be installed and he was surprised that hadn't happened yet.