Pacific / Fiji

Outbreak of dengue in Fiji

14:08 pm on 1 May 2017

Fiji's health authorities say dengue fever has reached the stage of an outbreak and they've reminded people how to treat the disease.

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One person has died and 913 people have been diagnosed with dengue in the first four months of the year.

This compared to about one third that number at the same time last year according to a report in Fiji Village.

National Advisor for Communicable Diseases, Mike Kama, said in the report that ten percent of people with dengue this year needed to be hospitalised.

Most of the cases were recorded on the main island of Viti Levu.

Ministry of Health and Medical Services had called on people to be aware of the symptoms of the disease, to seek medical help if they need to and clean up sites where mosquitoes can breed.

Dr Kama said dengue could be treated at home with paracetamol, re-hydration and rest but people with worrying symptoms needed to get to hospital.

Symptoms included high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscles and joint pains, fatigue, vomiting and skin rash.