The Wireless

Harre: Dotcom move 'progressive'

09:31 am on 30 May 2014

The new leader of the Internet Party, Laila Harre, doesn't think Kim Dotcom is funding her party to avoid being extradited to the United States on copyright charges, Radio New Zealand reports.

The Internet Party has formed an alliance with Hone Harawira's Mana Party to campaign for the party vote in September's general election.

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Harre, a long time unionist and former Alliance Party politician, told Radio New Zealand's Morning Report it was refreshing to see a wealthy donor backing a progressive party rather than supporting the status quo.

"I feel very lucky to be in a position where resources are available to take on the establishment rather than the conventional approach, which has been for big money to support the status quo and to shut down change, particularly for young people."

She said Dotcom's funding of her party was not an example of money corrupting politics.

Prime Minister John Key said the only people who would vote for the Internet-Mana Party would be those from the far left of politics.

Key said Harre and Harawira were extreme left-wing politicians, so from National's point of view it was of no great relevance.

"But if you're Metiria Turei and Russel Norman and maybe David Cunliffe you might be just a little bit more worried."

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