Business / Covid 19

More jobs at risk unless conditions for alert level 1 detailed, Business NZ says

14:08 pm on 24 May 2020

The Business NZ network says more jobs are at risk unless the government comes up with conditions under which businesses can move to alert level one.

Business NZ chief executive Kirk Hope.

Business NZ chief executive Kirk Hope. Photo: RNZ / Supplied

Business NZ chief executive Kirk Hope said low levels of demand and customer activity under the current restrictions were increasing the risk of job losses.

"Now businesses are open it's ensuring they have sufficient demand to continue to employ people," he said.

The network is calling for an urgent timeline and clarity over what the conditions will be at alert level 1 so businesses know what will be expected of them.

"A lead in time, a clear understanding of what the rules will be, just ensuring businesses have that clarity and certainty, so they don't buy things they don't need to, they don't set up systems they don't ned to have... they don't restrict themselves unnecessarily when it's not really going to reduce the risk," Hope said.

"If we have very, very low levels of risk, which there appears to be - that's the point here and that's what we're saying - then people should be much freer to do things.

"How many days would we have to continuously see no new cases before we would be able to move to level one? What does that look like? How long will that be? And how quickly can we get to level zero?"

Alert Level 1

The government's Covid-19 website currently states that to be in alert level 1, the disease needs to be controlled in New Zealand - although isolated transmission within households could be occurring.

Potential Alert level 1 measures:


Border entry measures to minimise risk of importing Covid-19 cases.

Intensive testing for Covid-19.

Rapid contact tracing of any positive case.

Self-isolation and quarantine required.

Schools and workplaces open, and must operate safely.

Physical distancing encouraged.

No restrictions on gatherings.

Stay home if you're sick, report flu-like symptoms.

Wash and dry your hands, cough into your elbow, don't touch your face.

No restrictions on domestic transport - avoid public transport or travel if you're sick.

Read more about the Covid-19 coronavirus: