Politics / Election 2014

Last push for undecided votes

10:12 am on 19 September 2014

Leaders of the major parties are working hard to pick up undecided voters in the last hours of the campaign before Saturday's election.

Labour leader David Cunliffe is campaigning in Auckland, ending the day with supporters in his New Lynn electorate. He is pushing the party's 'vote positive' message and the need to change the Government.

Listen to David Cunliffe

Listen to Steven Joyce

David Cunliffe speaking to media.

David Cunliffe speaking to media. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson

Mr Cunliffe acknowledges he would need both the Greens and New Zealand First to form a government but told Radio New Zealand's Morning Report programme he believed there was momentum for a change to a Labour-led government and the election would be a cliff-hanger.

"The future of our country is in your hands," he said. "If you want three more years of widening gaps, of greater inequality of half the country missing out on pay rises go right ahead and sit on the couch. If you want a change get out there and vote for it."

Mr Cunliffe said he had not considered what might happen with his leadership if Labour loses.

Prime Minister John Key talking to media in the Manawatu Gorge

National leader John Key speaking to media yesterday Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski

National Party leader John Key, who is campaigning in Taupo, Rotorua, Hamilton and Auckland, has been pushing his message that to elect a stable government that has been a good steward of the economy, people need to give National their party vote.

He said a Labour-Green coalition would not bring stability.

"They don't agree with each other and what positions they have, they don't agree on policy and the Greens don't trust their numbers and that's all before they have to make the hard decisions of Government.

"And one thing I know, when you're in government you've got to make a lot of hard decisions so if you don't love each other now the love won't blossom any more when you're in government together.

With the possibility National would turn to New Zealand First for support, National's campaign Steven Joyce asked whether people in the National Party had been working on their relationships with leader Winston Peters.

"He calls me Big Ears - I suppose that's a relationship of a kind," said Mr Joyce.

"I think it's a term of endearment though, to be fair. We all have sufficient relationship in the Parliament that you could form a relationship with him or with anybody."

Mr Joyce told Morning Report National did not have a view on wanting the Conservative Party to get into Parliament.

Green Party co-leaders Metiria Turei and Russel Norman speak to media after the party's election closing event yesterday. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson

The Greens are pushing their plans for a smarter economy and a fairer society and co-leader Russel Norman says they're getting good support.

"We've stuck to our key messages - cleaner, fairer smarter New Zealand - and I think people have really responded to that.

As much as has been humanly possible we've stayed out of all the other stuff that's been going on and I think we've really tried hard to stay focused on communicating key messages and I think people have heard them."

Campaigning finishes at 7pm tonight and voters are given a politics-free 24 hours to think over their decision.