
Budget 2016: What you need to know

14:59 pm on 26 May 2016

Finance Minister Bill English has revealed this year's Budget. Here's what you need to know - at a glance.


The cost of a packet of 20 cigarettes will rise from about $20 to $30 by 2020. Photo: Supplied

Social housing: An extra $199.9m for social housing in Auckland and boosting income-related rent subsidy payments because of higher rents.

Auckland housing: $100m extra over four years to free up Crown land for housing.

Child Youth and Family: $200m to put in place the review of the agency.

Bowel cancer screening: $39m to start the roll out of a national screening programme.

Tobacco taxes: Excise duty will go up by 10 percent each year for the next four years. The price of a packet of 20 cigarettes will increase from about $20 now to $30 in 2020.

Corrections: $356m of extra funding includes $12m to manage offenders returning from overseas and $8.8m for electronic monitoring of highest risk offenders.

Rebecca Kitteridge, Director of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service.

The SIS, headed by Rebecca Kitteridge, and GCSB will receive $178.7m over four years. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

Spy agencies: SIS and GCSB get new funding of $178.7m over four years.

Education: $882.5m to build nine new schools and 480 new classrooms around the country.

SuperGold card: $40.9m more for the off-peak travel scheme over the next four years.

Whanau Ora: $40m more in operating funding to increase the number of whanau the programme can support.

Environment: New $100m fund to support projects to clean up rivers, lakes and aquifers.

Economy: Forecast to grow at an average 2.8 percent over the next five years and unemployment set to fall gradually to 4.6 percent by 2020.

Want more detail? Read RNZ's full Budget coverage here.