
China's election aid to Fiji won't be dramatic - scholar

16:29 pm on 23 January 2014

A foreign policy scholar says China's offer of assistance for Fiji's promised elections won't be as dramatic as implied by some media.

China has confirmed that it will be offering some form of assistance, but a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy says no details have been confirmed.

The Fiji Ministry of Information says China is keen to help in any way it can.

Dr Marc Lanteigne, from Wellington's Victoria University, says China's policy towards Fiji has always been one of economic support, and to not get involved in domestic politics.

" I think the way it was stated by the Fijian media is a bit vague and I don't think necessarily really reflects China's overall interests. Certainly China does want to remain a very strong economic partner, but in the case of assisting with the elections or participating in the process somehow, no."

Marc Lanteigne says China would be reluctant to get involved with an issue it says should be dealt with domestically.