
Hawaii to provide ambulances to American Samoa

09:59 am on 12 March 2009

The City and County of Honolulu is donating three ambulances for American Samoa; two for the Manu'a Island group and one for the main island of Tutuila.

Early last year, then Senate President Lolo M. Moliga wrote to Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann asking for his help in securing two ambulances for Manu'a, and last week the police department in American Samoa requested a third ambulance for Tutuila.

The American Samoa Senate's liaison in Honolulu, Afimutasi Gus Hannemann, says the requests have been granted and three used ambulances for the territory have been secured from the City and County of Honolulu.

Shipping the vehicles to the territory is expected to be a costly business as they will have to be sent to the US mainland first to catch a container vessel to Pago Pago.