The Wireless

Ebola epidemic 'out of control'

09:15 am on 3 July 2014

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says 467 people are now known to have died from the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa, Radio New Zealand reports.

The number has risen by nearly 20 per cent compared to a week ago.

With more than 750 known cases, it has been confirmed as the largest ever outbreak of ebola, the BBC reports.

The medical charity MSF says the epidemic is now out of control.

Sixty-eight of the deaths had been recorded since 23 June, the WHO said.

It is the largest outbreak - in terms of cases, deaths and geographical spread - to affect Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Ebola, a haemorrhagic fever, has no cure and is spread by contact with the fluids of infected people or animals, such as urine, sweat and blood.

Most of the deaths have been centred in the southern Guekedou region of Guinea, where the outbreak was first reported in February.