
Vanuatu court due to rule on legality of motion

12:58 pm on 27 October 2010

The Vanuatu Supreme Court is due to sit this afternoon to rule on an opposition claim that the speaker acted illegally in stopping its motions for an extra-ordinary meeting of parliament and a vote of no confidence in the government.

The opposition had the requisite number of signatures for the motions but by the time the speaker, George Wells, considered them several government MPs who'd signed retracted their support.

Mr Wells ruled he couldn't allow the motions to go ahead.

The opposition leader, Maxime Carlot Korman, went to court saying Mr Wells acted illegally.

There's been preliminary legal discussion over the past two days and he says a formal hearing is this afternoon.

"The court will hear the case really now and will make a big decision on it. Today at 3 o'clock."