
Harawira's going wouldn't affect relationship - Key

14:54 pm on 17 November 2009

Prime Minister John Key says if Hone Harawira was to become an independent MP, it would not affect the support deal between the Maori Party and National.

The party's leadership has indicated there is no future for Mr Harawira as a Maori Party MP.

In his weekly newspaper column, Mr Harawira restates his intention to stay with the party.

Mr Harawira has been under pressure for skipping a day of official business while in Europe to visit Paris with his wife, and a tirade in a subsequent email exchange with former Waitangi Tribunal director Buddy Mikaere.

John Key says Mr Harawira's future is in the hands of the Maori Party and Te Tai Tokerau voters and whatever the outcome, the two parties' relationship will not be affected.

Harawira not at caucus

MPs from the Maori Party met at Parliament on Tuesday for their weekly caucus meeting, but Mr Harawira stayed away from Parliament.

The controversial MP has been given two weeks to consider the party's request for him to become an independent MP.

The party's whip Te Ururoa Flavell says they've entered into a two-week process that will allow everyone time to take stock of the situation.

He says a statement will be made at the end of that period.