World / History

Australia PM pushes for bipartisan support on Indigenous referendum

19:30 pm on 6 February 2023
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks at a joint press conference with his Papua New Guinea counterpart in Port Moresby on January 12, 2023. - Albanese called for a "swift" new security deal with Papua New Guinea, as his government seeks to parry China's expanding influence in the Pacific. (Photo by ANDREW KUTAN / AFP)

Anthony Albanese says the vote later this year will be a chance "to cast a vote to walk upon the path of reconciliation". Photo: AFP / Andrew Kutan

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will push for bipartisan support on a referendum that aims to set up an Indigenous consultative committee in parliament, when it meets today for the first time this year.

The landmark referendum, to be held later this year, will establish an Indigenous "Voice", that can make representations to parliament on policies affecting them.

If passed, that would add language to its constitution - which cannot be amended without a referendum - to recognise Australia's Indigenous citizens for the first time.

A poll by The Australian newspaper released on Monday showed 56 percent of voters supported the change in the constitution, with 37 percent opposing it.

Australia is seeking to give more recognition to its Aboriginal people, who have inhabited the land for 60,000 years but track well below national averages on most socio-economic measures.

"I believe very firmly that Australians should take the opportunity that they'll have in the second half of this year to cast a vote for yes, to cast a vote to walk upon the path of reconciliation," Albanese told reporters in Canberra.

"It might just make some people's lives, some of the most disadvantaged people in our country, their lives better."

The Australian government plans to ask the population whether its Indigenous peoples should be recognised in the country's constitution, by referendum.

The Australian government plans to ask the population whether its Indigenous peoples should be recognised in the country's constitution, by referendum. Photo: AFP/ Torsten Blackwood

Albanese, who has staked much of his political capital on the referendum in a country that has only passed eight of them since becoming an independent nation, said he wanted to get "as much agreement as possible".

"This should be above politics," he said, adding he hoped to introduce the legislation in the current term of the parliament.

The federal opposition Liberal Party has not yet backed the referendum but a group, which includes some prominent Indigenous Australians and lawmakers, has launched a campaign against it.

Members of the group say it will not resolve the issues affecting the country's roughly one million Indigenous citizens.

Opposition is also forming among progressives. A Greens party senator quit the party and moved to the crossbench on Monday because of concerns about the Voice proposal. She first wanted a treaty between the government and indigenous people, similar to what exists in New Zealand and Canada.

"Greens MPs, members and supporters have told me they want to support the Voice. This is at odds with the community of activists that are saying treaty before voice," said Senator Lidia Thorpe at a news conference.

Her exit complicates the passage of legislation through the senate, where the government is in minority. A combination of independent crossbench members and the Greens are needed to pass non-bipartisan legislation.