
Election 2020: Act Party list released

14:26 pm on 28 June 2020

Nicole McKee - the spokesperson for the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners and the voice of opposition to firearms law changes - could be a MP after the September election, having won a high place on the Act Party list.

David Seymour used his state of the nation address to attack the government's changes to gun legislation.

The Act Party could have four MPs in Parliament, as long as leader David Seymour retains his seat. Photo: RNZ / Katie Scotcher

Leader David Seymour and his former advisor Brooke van Velden are at number one and two respectively, McKee is at number three

ACTs consistent opposition to ongoing changes to firearms law is reflected in the choice of McKee, who heads the Council of Licensed Firearm Owners (COLFO) - a vocal opponent, arguing they are too restrictive and disadvantaging people who used firearms lawfully.

McKee said she enjoyed competing in multiple shooting disciplines and is a "keen meat hunter". She is a small business owner, "having delivered firearms safety education in rural and isolated communities for New Zealand Police"

In past elections ACT has won the Auckland seat of Epsom, with National Party candidates - the most recent Paul Goldsmith - only campaigning for the party vote.

If ACT wins Epsom again that secures its place in Parliament and its party vote dictates how many more MPs it might get.

The party has been trending upwards in the two major television opinion polls since the start of the year; registering 3.1 percent in the latest One News Colmar Brunton, and it would be hoping to secure at least one or two more MPs.

The placing of van Velden and McKee signal the party's prioritising a continued focus on voluntary euthanasia and firearms law. A referendum will be held at the election on the whether the End of Life Choice Act 2019, sponsored by Seymour, should come into effect.

In a COLFO newsletter, McKee said she would be quitting her position as its spokesperson, "to continue the fight for the licenced firearm owning community and to advocate for better public policies from within".

"I want to be on the spot to call out the kind of cynical disrespect for ordinary New Zealanders I've seen over the last 18 months."

The "other" David Seymour, the party's candidate in Whangarei is ranked number 19.

Also among the new candidates are advocates for the End of Life Choice legislation, a former police officer, two teachers, two lawyers, three farmers, four engineers, eleven business owners, and 13 licensed firearms owners.

The full Act Party list

1 - David Seymour

2 - Brooke Van Velden

3 - Nicole McKee

4 - Chris Baillie

5 - Simon Court

6 - James McDowall

7 - Karen Chhour

8 - Mark Cameron

9 - Stephen Berry

10 - Toni Severin

11 - Damien Smith

12 - Miles McConway

13 - Beth Houlbrooke

14 - Carmel Claridge

15 - Bruce Carley

16 - Cameron Luxton

17 - Grae O'Sullivan

18 - Myah Deedman

19 - David Seymour

20 - David King

Richard Evans

Robert Andrews

Stu Armstrong

Sean Beamish

Shawn Blanchfield

Kartini Clarke

Jan Daffern

James Davies

Tommy Fergusson

Sean Fitzpatrick

David Fox

David Freeman

Paul Gilbert

Paul Grace

Wayne Grattan

Roger Greenslade

Abby Johnson

Chris Johnston

Judith Kendall

Pete Kirkwood

Niko Kloeten

Tim Kronfeld

Mike McCormick

Brent Miles

Michael Nees

David Olsen

Grae O'Sullivan

Andy Parkins

Matthew Percival

Jack Phillips

Callum Steele-Macintosh

Basil Walker

Blake Webb

Roger Weldon

Bruce Whitehead

Neil Wilson

Ada Xiao

  • ACT's newest candidate - David Seymour, yes another one
  • ACT leader David Seymour criticises gun laws in state of nation address
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