New Zealand / Environment

Toxic substance discharge believed to have killed large number of fish in Heathcote River

19:57 pm on 2 March 2023
Ōpāwaho Heathcote River from Richardson Terrace.

Heathcote River/Ōpāwaho. Photo: RNZ/Niva Chittock

A toxic substance discharge is suspected to have caused the death of large number of fish in a Christchurch river on Thursday.

Environment Canterbury is warning people to keep away from Heathcote River/Ōpāwaho in the Connal and Long Street area and also around Cumnor Terrace and Garlands Road while investigations take place.

No one should swim or kayak in the river and dogs should be kept away from the water and from any affected wildlife, ECan said.

River fish should also not be eaten.

The source of the discharge was not yet known, but ECan is asking anyone with information to contact them on 0800 765 588.