New Zealand / Canterbury

$10m for cathedral rebuild despite opposition

17:08 pm on 19 December 2017

Christchurch ratepayers will have to foot part of the bill to help repair the city's quake-ravaged Anglican cathedral.

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The Christ Church cathedral Photo: RNZ

The Anglican Synod voted to restore the building in September, thanks in part to a $10m funding pledge from the Christchurch City Council.

That grant required the approval of the full council and today there was fierce debate amongst councillors over whether it should be offered.

Councillor Sara Templeton opposed the grant, and wanted it slashed in half.

"I think that $5m ... is a suitable amount for the council to be spending on a key heritage site," she said.

"We have real struggles as a city and the ratepayers' pockets are not bottomless."

Aside from the council grant, which was eventually passed 13 to 4, $25m would come from government in the form of a cash contribution and a loan, $13.7m from the Greater Christchurch Building Trust - which said it could raise more - and $42m from the church's insurance proceeds.

Councillor Mike Davidson also opposed the grant. The council should not be giving ratepayer money to a religious organisation, he said.

"There needs to be a clear separation between the church and the council, and funding $10m towards the restoration of an Anglican church, it is not just blurring the line, it is removing the line all together," he said.

"If we want to spend $10m, let's actually start tidying up our city."

The grant had plenty of support around the council table, including from the city's mayor, Lianne Dalziel, who said the city needed to see work underway as soon as possible.

"The one thing that unified the city in every survey was the overwhelming majority that just wanted a decision," she said.

Councillor Jamie Gough also supported the grant.

"This is a question of progress versus no versus, and if you disagree with me on that you are actually wrong and do not understand the situation," he said.

Christchurch's Anglican bishop Victoria Matthews had pushed to demolish the cathedral prior to the Synod vote. However, she said she welcomed the council decision.

"Church Property Trustees is delighted with the Christchurch City Council's commitment to the regeneration of Cathedral Square and thank the council for the $10m grant," she said. "It is most generous."

The council had indicated it would use a targeted rate to raise the $10m, but how that would work would not be finalised until next year.